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Bootstrap - [Utilities] - Utilities, 색상, 배경색, .d-block, .d-*-block Chap.3 Bootstrap4[Utilities] - Utilities, 배경색, .d-block, .d-*-block Bootstrap4 Utilities Utilities, 색상, 배경색, .d-block, .d-*-block Bootstrap4 Utilities .border, .boarder-*-* .border- .rounded, .rounded-* .clearfix, .float-left, .float-right Float left Float right .mx-auto : 중앙 정렬 Centered .w-25, .w-50, .w-75, .w-100, .mw-100 Width 25% Width 50% Width 75% Width 100% Max Width 100% .h-25, .h-50, .h.. 2020. 8. 10.
Bootstrap - [주요 화면 구성] - Navs, Navbar, Card, Form Chap.3 Bootstrap4[주요 화면 구성] - Navs, Navbar, Card, Form Bootstrap4[주요 화면 구성] Navs, Navbar, Card, Form Navs .nav, .nav-item, .nav-link Link Link Link Disabled .ustify-content-center, .ustify-content-end : 정렬 .flex-column Link Link Link Disabled .nav-tabs, .active Active Link Link Disabled .nav-pills Active Link Link Disabled .nav-justified : 균등 분할 .. .. Navbar 반응형 .navbar, .navbar-expand-sm - navb.. 2020. 8. 8.
Bootstrap - [활용] - Jumbotron, Alert, Button, Button Group, Badges, Progress Bar, Pagination Chap.3 Bootstrap4[활용] - Jumbotron, Alert, Button, Button Group, Badges, Progress Bar, Pagination Bootstrap4[활용] Jumbotron, Alert, Button, Button Group, Badges, Progress Bar, Pagination Jumbotron .jumbotron, jumbotron-fluid 이미지 위 글씨 Bootstrap Tutorial Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS... Bootstrap Tutorial Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS... Alert .alert - .alert-success - .alert-inf.. 2020. 8. 8.
Bootstrap - [기초] - Bootstrap4, Grid System, Text, Typography, 테이블, 이미지 Chap.3 Bootstrap4[기초] - Bootstrap4, Grid System, Text, Typography, 테이블, 이미지 Bootstrap4[기초] Bootstrap4, Grid System, Text, Typography, 테이블, 이미지 Bootstrap4 CDN 다운로드 없이 링크로 외부에 있는 CSS파일 포함. HTML 템플릿 확장팩 Bootstrap4, Font 설치 파일 > 폴더 열기 > BT4 > ex.01.html > b4-$ 입력시 기본템플릿 Container - .container ▪ 반응 형 고정 너비 컨테이너를 제공 (중앙) - .container-fluid ▪ 뷰포트의 전체 너비에 걸쳐 전체 너비 컨테이너를 제공 My First Bootstrap Page This i.. 2020. 8. 8.